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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Warframe Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 08:00 AM PDT

    This thread is for anyone to recruit or request others to help them out. It's open to all types of recruitment, and you can recruit any day of the week!

    • Asking for help from other players or offering to help? Go ahead and share your name!

    • Need people to do a certain kind of run? Put your name out there!

    • Want to recruit for your clan? Do it!

    • Anything else you want other players to add you up for? Get the word out and see who offers!

    Please provide the following information in your comment (in no particular order or format):

    • Platform (PC/PS4/XB1/Switch)
    • In-game name (to add to contacts), or clan name if recruiting
    • Location (for lag concerns or looking for players from specific regions)
    • Goal (What are you going to be doing?)

    No formatting necessary! That's right, format your requests or offers howeveryou want! The nicer and prettier it is though, the easier it is to read so keep that in mind!

    Read the other comments! If no one answers your response, add the others who have shared their info! Keep checking back to see who else is out there! Request away!

    And remember...

    You can recruit any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Why isn't Ordis a floating decoration that lights up whenever his voice lines pop up?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 03:21 AM PDT

    The most terrifying message I have read in this game

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 08:00 AM PDT

    Someone reported Inaros being oneshot by lvl 40 Blitz Eximus

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 06:08 AM PDT

    It's gonna be a pretty long grind

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 03:13 AM PDT

    Someone's been inhaling some strong stuff while I was away...

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 05:44 AM PDT

    Give Operators Overguard.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 04:50 AM PDT

    TL;DR: Give Operators a ton of Overguard that decays while they're in play, and regenerates while they're dormant. Not while in Void Mode, not from killing. Only while they're piloting the frame does the Overguard start to recover.

    A lot of the discussion recently regarding the Operator changes hinges on their survivability -- complaints of getting one-shot while setting Wellspring, or while trying to contend with Eidolons, or just while trying to complete challenges. Suggestions range from the naive to the outright imbecilic. You can be the judge as to which are which, below:

    • "Give Operators shields." Offering them Shield Gating doesn't help them survive in the majority of tasks they're involved in. Sealing Cascades (? or floods?) takes longer than the 1.33 seconds a depleted Shield Gate offers you, and you--in theory--evaporate soon after. Not to mention, piles and piles of Shield-restoration options would either stick to operators or would be inconsistent on them, making the option even uglier.
    • "Reinstate Basilisk Scales." Tying Operator survivability multiplicatively to Focus is a step back from where we are. As is, you already must grind Focus for a wide list of Operator benefits, in order for them to be effective with the limited time they have. As is, you must grind Focus in order to increase the Health of your Operator and buy them more precious time in the field. Having to grind an armor increase to multiply that Health into something meaningful is bile.
    • "Make Operators invulnerable for time." Making Operators completely position- and situation-agnostic would certainly be a change you could make. There are frames that offer invulnerability on-demand, but only under certain conditions (Nyx, Harrow), or as a large part of their power budget (Atlas, Garuda). Making this a function available to every frame, in every situation, forever seems like a worse spot than we're in now. Not to mention, your Operator would be shredded if it ends too quickly, and their health would never matter again if it lasts too long. Pass.
    • "Give Amps Lifesteal." Lol. Lmao.

    So, what is there to do, then? Most suggestions just want to address the immediate friction of having your Operator die. Let's look at the facts surrounding the Operator update to glean DE's intent:

    • New enemies require Operator damage to kill. We have Thrax ghosts and new spoiler-related minibosses that demand Operator combat, which implies that the Operator should be able to take the field long enough to engage them. The Thrax ghosts at least take vastly increased Amp damage, which tells us that it doesn't have to be that long.
    • Operator traversal over large spaces was nerfed greatly. Void Sling's reduced speed tells us that DE doesn't envision the Operator as a substitute for bullet jumping, wallrunning, and other general ninja maneuvers. (I'm mostly on board with this one. Old wallrunning when?)
    • Combined with the above, Operators have been furnished with highly impactful spells of their own. Full armor stripping, a knockoff Vauban vortex, old reliable Wellspring, and more. All of the schools have enticing spells that you want to press often in a wide range of builds, which seems to imply the Operator should be popping in and out often. DE doesn't seem to envision long, protracted fights as the Operator in content where your Warframe is available, which I generally agree with. We're playing Warframe, not Operator.
    • There's now a roughly 2 to 3 second cooldown on Transference. Test it out for yourself in your orbiter simply by mashing 5 or your local equivalent. This outright states, rather than implies, that DE wants to be rid of people popping into Operator for only a split second for old Energizing Dash or to cross a ledge lazily.
    • Transference Static is now intensely punishing. Operators are no longer intended to be spammable and consequence-free. Deploying your Operator recklessly is intended to be a possible path to mission failure, just as if you stood still in your Warframe or you had abandoned a defense target.

    Taking all of the above together, and it would be reasonable to assume that DE wants us to spend a few seconds, every minute, as the Operator and the rest of our time in our Warframes. Not necessary on a cycle, but just a few seconds here or there, in the breathers between running and gunning through packs of enemies. More than an instant, but less than a majority. This seems to fit their often-quoted goal of Warframe and Operator synergy. The options and complexity they bring to our loadouts would be welcome, this late in our journey, to keep things fresh.

    Which brings us to our point of friction that has the entire sub in a frenzy: The new vision for Operators is to spend around 3-5 seconds in play casting their new spells, interacting with mission objectives, and/or dealing with opposing Overguard, before returning to the Warframe. But this vision is difficult to enjoy, because surviving for a few seconds as an Operator is commonly regarded as difficult. The suggestion I have for this is simple, and you may have seen it as recently as the top of this post.

    Operators should be given Overguard.

    Not even the details of its implementation are very complex. Simply furnish the Operator with an amount of Overguard, that decays at a flat rate while your Operator is in play, as well as being depleted by enemy fire and other hazards. To replenish this Overguard, the Operator should be made to rest within the Warframe.

    The tuning is left vague on purpose, but it is my recommendation that this Overguard recovers about 4 to 5 times slower (when at rest) than it decays (while in play). The intent of this lever (whatever DE chooses to set it to) is to be able to control just how much time must be spent as a Warframe, per matching time of relative Operator safety. To "overstay" beyond the protection of Overguard, the Operator player would have to use Void Mode and cover, their Void spells, or free-standing Warframe abilities to manage enemies, which I think is more than a fair ask of veteran players. Frankly, I think it sounds fun, too. And any Transference Static incurred after this protection is the player's fault for pushing their luck beyond their Overguard's protection, which eases the sting greatly.

    As for the amount of Overguard, I believe it should be scaled to the current enemy level. This makes it scale in the way that matters, ensuring a hypothetical example Heavy Gunner takes the same amount of time to chew through the barrier at level 1 or 100. The primary factors of the Overguard's longevity instead become enemy density and activity. I think it's appropriate to ask players to kill, contain, or seek cover from most of their nearby foes to access their Operator in relative safety. This is already true of Operator use now, of course, but presently a stray bullet or area attack can flatline a 250 Health Operator by pure luck. As for strategies that require using the Operator proactively in enemy groups, such as the previously mentioned armor strip or vortex; figuring out how they can prepare the enemies for Operator treatment safely should be left as an exercise for the player.

    Lastly, I think Overguard's status should be displayed using the outermost ring of the Focus UI element that encircles their current Void Energy, when the Operator is inactive. With Warframe's myriad icons, particles, explosions, meters, status effects, and more; what's one more gauge to occasionally glance at? While the Operator is active, it should be displayed in their Health UI where Shields would typically be found.

    The utility of being Overguard rather than just decaying Shield should be clear: while it persists, it would protect the Operator from knockdowns, make them a method of soaking or mitigating dangerous projectiles, and allow them to engage with and cast in front of opponents with Toxin auras when their Frame perhaps could not. The shield's damage-type neutrality would be welcome as well, and the supposed Void damage weakness would be an interesting ace in the hole for future content design to be deployed when the time is right.

    The intended loop of popping into Operator briefly, but more than instantly, is reinforced here. Can you imagine jumping around a problematic Eximus, trying to swat it off of your Defense cryopod, waiting for a bit more of your Overguard to come back so you can safely drop Wellspring, so you can Iron Skin or Turbulence up and re-engage the enemy? Sounds tense and exciting to me. Just smacks of the coveted Warframe-Operator synergy.

    That's about all I have for this idea at the moment. The answer to Operator fragility is mission-scaling EHP that holds so long as you deploy your Operator with intentionality and a hint of prudence. Any concerns regarding their damage or mobility can wait until they can exist in the play space reasonably.

    submitted by /u/rasalhage
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    Add The Sirocco to the Incarnon System

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 10:46 AM PDT

    With the Sirocco being given to us as an as-is amp, and it being on the lower end of possible amps, I'd love to see it come to the Incarnon Weapon System, allowing players to customize it how they want. It could even have an Incarnon form that turns it into a rifle, which via syndicate rewards, you could unlock as an amp skin for other amps.

    submitted by /u/BTSU_Bluebird
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    Someone at DE didn't do their homework (Angels of the Zariman spoiler)

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 02:59 AM PDT

    This is a REALLY minor complain, especially with how much people have had to say about this update.

    However, it's a pet peeve of mine, so here it is:

    In the Holdfasts standing, there are two small problems. One is a "gameplay detached from story" problem, and one is the aforementioned pet peeve of mine.

    First thing: you are the literal saviour of these people. Quinn claims they survived the call of the void because they "drank" of your light, and yet you start as neutral with them. I get the reason is that they can't start us at 100% standing, but it's a big disconnect. (small problem, easily ignored).

    Secondly, in the standing ranks' names, you have Seraph as fourth rank and Angel as Fifth rank. However, Seraphim are not only a kind of angel, they are the highest rank among angels.

    Seeing as the "expansion" is angel themed, I would have gone with angel ranks for all the standing ranks, starting at Angel (instead of neutral, to show we saved these people), going then to Archangel for first rank, Virtue for second rank, Throne for third, Cherub for fourth and Seraph for fifth.

    submitted by /u/Unslaadahsil
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    Rare container in the Zariman dropped a built forma

    Posted: 28 Apr 2022 10:32 PM PDT

    Scalpers got their hands on the Playstation 6 already it seems. Look at that pricetag.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2022 11:27 PM PDT

    Thank you DE for making the new Incarnon weapons truly modular

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 04:58 AM PDT

    The new Incarnon modular set of weapons can actually be modified after they've been built, you don't have to rebuild them from scratch every time you want to try a different "part" and bonus. You don't have to gild them, you don't have to wait before putting a potato in them. No waiting period until parts are done (after the first run), no sense of wasted resources if you picked the wrong magazine.

    If zaws, moas, kitguns had the same system in which I can easily switch out parts and try different combinations I'd gladly unlock and pay for every single piece. This change is everything I ever wanted out of modular weapons and I am really happy that DE didn't just reuse the modular system from the previous 3 open worlds.

    My 2 positive cents.

    submitted by /u/NotScrollsApparently
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    DE I want to use the Dormizone as my new home/base

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 06:39 AM PDT

    The quest called it our new home, but if I can't spawn there on login or select my missions from there, then it isn't really a new home.

    Please add a landing platform for the liset and a foundry, arsenal etc. And make us be able to spawn there when logging in.

    submitted by /u/Lirka_
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    If one person picks up a syndicate medallion shouldn't everyone in the squad get it?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 10:50 AM PDT

    With the new content some bounties require missions to completed in x amount of time, have a defense target that needs protecting, or something that requires people to not run off for a medallion. The squad splitting from the main goal of the mission, or doing a lot of backtracking is annoying at best, and can cause the mission to fail at worse. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Rechot
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    Finally. Comically large spoon in game.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 07:01 AM PDT

    Taking a second or two to admire the new Valkitty skin <3

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 09:04 AM PDT

    I couldn't bring myself to shoot him. This is the only time he's ever had fun.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 05:41 AM PDT

    Old Mission rewards screen

    Posted: 28 Apr 2022 10:32 PM PDT

    At last, I can use that dartboard I got a while back

    Posted: 28 Apr 2022 09:01 PM PDT

    Don't inflate the toxicity by saying every post with feedback about this update is toxic

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 01:02 AM PDT

    To everyone complaining about this subreddit being toxic after the update drop, please realize that anyone can post here, so sorting by new and seeing toxic posts does not make this subreddit and player feedback about this update toxic. Almost every most voted posts are with good explanation that DE needs to listen to. If that does not seem constructive criticism to anyone , feel free to make this your last straw too and leave . If DE does nothing after all this feedback, saying players were just being toxic , that would be one of the worst thing to happen to the game.

    submitted by /u/politeneedle
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    Xaku's 4 carries your momentum a bit too well

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 11:26 AM PDT

    Seeing recent posts makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2022 06:35 PM PDT

    I'm... Having fun.

    I like Void Sling. I'm not at all bothered by the decreased speed. Sling feels hefty and impactful, like reality is bending to my motions and I'm just barely surfing the edge of the Void.

    I like the Angel fights. I can't just steamroll them like I do practically everything else. And their design is just chef's kiss.

    I like the Eximus changes. Whereas before I barely acknowledged their existence, they now feel like real threats I have to take out quickly before I get the floor mopped with my insides.

    I like Spoiler Abilities. They make me feel like an actual Space Wizard casting spells with Eldritch Hell Magic.

    I like the quest. Yeah, it was a little short, but it did it's job as a tutorial for the new mission modes (which I just love) as well as expand on the lore of what exactly happened on the Zariman.

    I like the new spoiler suit. It looks like a superhero outfit straight from a comic and I love it.

    I know everyone's opinion varies, but damn, I honestly can't conjure a negative emotion towards this update outside of the usual "Bugs Bad Lol".

    I understand this update is divisive, but seeing so many posts about how the game has been irreparably ruined makes me feel like I'm outright in the wrong for having the most fun since I started playing.

    submitted by /u/Deathpacito1999
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    Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix 31.5.3

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 09:53 AM PDT


    Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix 31.5.3

    Happy Friday, Tenno! This hotfix targets fixing some high priority bugs that we wanted to get out before the weekend hits. We will be back next week after reviewing weekend reports to continue the hotfix train.

    Nidus Maggot Prime Script = Complete!

    The Nidus Maggot Prime script has been completed for the Tenno who purchased the Parasitic Link Pack, Ravenous Pack, and Nidus Prime Accessories Pack on PC. Your new best friend will appear in your Decorations inventory if you meet the criteria!


    • Added the color reset and randomize buttons when customizing Amp appearance.
    • Re-named 'Primary Color' in the Operator Appearance customization menu to 'Sigil Color'.
      • Also re-ordered the 'Sigil Color' option to appear before 'Default Properties'.
    • Updated the Dojo Map Legend UI to support custom themes.


    • Fixed the rarity of the Zariman Bounty reward tiers (Common/Uncommon/Rare pools) not being properly assigned - resulting in unintended drop rates. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1306797-gyre-parts-not-dropping/#comment-12493101
      • This directly affected the Gyre and Weapons Blueprints. The UI was inaccurately stating the rarity for each - Gyre's Component Blueprints were marked as 'uncommon' but only had a 2% drop chance, while the Weapon Blueprints were marked as 'rare' but had a whopping 21% drop chance. So we have redistributed the drop rates by increasing the drop chance of Gyre's Component blueprints within the intended 'uncommon' rates and lowering the Weapon Blueprints rate to intended 'rare' rates.
    • Fixed Clients not receiving AABC rewards from Void Armageddon missions after completing one Round onwards.
    • Fixed the Protovyre Ephemera not tracking Focus gained from Zariman missions.
    • Follow up fix to getting stuck in the Zariman elevator due to being in a 'full' public squad, and the session failing to join the mission.
    • Fixed enemies not spawning when starting a Zariman mission from the Chrysalith immediately following a Void Armageddon or Flood mission.
      • This also fixes post-Angels of the Zariman missions having spawn issues due to the last stage of the quest being Void Armageddon.
    • Fixed only one Brilliant Eidolon Shard being consumed when unbinding both possible Unbound abilities in a tree at once.
      • The UI would state that two were consumed but truly it was only one in the backend. Those who were affected will keep those unconsumed Shards.
    • Fixed some matchmaking issues in the Zariman after Host migration.
    • Fixed Clients not seeing proper scaling of the Void Manifestation orbs.
    • Fixed the 'What's New' screen on login kicking players out of The New War quest.
    • Fixed Energy/Shield Drain for a Helminth Ability equipped on Hildryn being extremely high after using Inner Might, making it impossible to cast.
    • Fixed being able to hover while in decoration mode over existing/permanent decorations/furniture in the Dormizone.
    • Fixed Amp attaching to elbow when customizing colors on [spoiler character].
    • Fixed Dojo Map Legend UI lingering if it was visible when you enter Decoration mode.
    • More fixes towards being unable to enter extremely large Clan Dojos.
    • Fixed crash related to Sentient abilities.
    • Fixed crash related to Kavat Mischief Precept mod.
    • Fixed script error related to Thrax enemies.
    • Fixed several script errors in the Void Armageddon mission.
    • Fixed script error with Nidus' Parasitic Link ability.
    • Fixed script error related to Sentinel Regen mod.
    • Fixed script error related to Thrax enemy spawns in Void Flood/Cascade missions.
    • Fixed script error related to checking challenge progress for Incarnon Weapons while in mission.

    Missed notes from Hotfix 31.5.2:

    • Fixed infinite loading screen during key certain stages of The New War quest.
    • Fixed rare Client side crash while joining in progress Infested Salvage missions.
    • Fixed script error related to Void Projection.

    This action was performed automatically, if you see any mistakes, please tag /u/desmaraisp, he'll fix them. Here is my github

    submitted by /u/CephalonAhmes
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    Anyone knows what this helmet was called and why was it removed after the first day of update? I managed to take some captura pictures, but next day it was gone.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 07:18 AM PDT

    The worst part of the update isn't Void Dash

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 12:42 AM PDT

    "Stay focused, heavy unit approaching."

    And there's a special place in hell for the person whose bright idea was to implement a flashing "Focus level up available" notification for a system that's based on hoarding literal millions of points.

    Edit: In case it wasn't clear, this is humor and you shouldn't take it seriously, even if those remarks are grounded on real issues.

    submitted by /u/Nightstroll
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    [Spoiler] Duviri theory based on the view from the orbiter

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 02:52 AM PDT

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