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    Warframe why are these fucked up void statues so thicc

    Warframe why are these fucked up void statues so thicc

    why are these fucked up void statues so thicc

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 11:47 AM PDT

    my friend made this while carrying me through the index

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 08:45 AM PDT

    First thing I thought of when I saw you could buy a spoon

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 01:23 PM PDT

    Overguard, Simplified (April 2022)

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 09:50 AM PDT

    Limbo mains: not stonks

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 02:23 PM PDT

    Some day, I will truly have them all. (still missing mod drop chance booster and market discount)

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 10:57 AM PDT

    Just found out my main, Limbo was slaughtered.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 05:42 AM PDT

    At first reading the patch notes of the new eximus changes, I initially thought that the overguard simply allowed the eximus units to be able to not get caught in CC moves like stasis. That's it. I could handle that with a bit of difficulty alright. But today in simulacram I found out:

    Limbo Prime: Ha! I'm in Rift! You are not! You dumbasses can't shoot me! Even Nullifiers can't do that!

    Eximus: LOL \Pumps me full of lead 1000 times over\**


    WTF DE. Limbo literally can't do anything now that new Eximus' just break everything about the lore, even more so than the Nullifiers!

    Also I can't post this in Forums because for some reason that website says I'm signed in, but doesn't show me signed in, and I can't write reports or anything.

    EDIT: Also just realised Eximus abilities reach through Rift. Such as Blitz abilities. Which can oneshot Inaros. Against Limbo.

    EDIT 2: I found out it wasn't bullets killing me on a second try. The abilities just kept knocking me on my ass in the Rift and Life Leech just deleted my HP. Still kinda shit how they can just operate in a different dimension.

    submitted by /u/IllegalGuy13
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    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 07:12 AM PDT

    Playing Warframe while live in Ukraine (lost pc but love the game, my phone and gfn helps xD)

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 11:13 AM PDT

    DE please remove the transference delay

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 06:54 AM PDT

    So far it makes arcanes that require you to exit out or back into warframe to activate usless, magus elevate was the best arcane for op next to lockdown, now it's completely useless, by the time I exit out of op, and enter back into warframe, and not to mention the amount of time elevate actually takes to effect, I die, magus anomaly was one of the best arcanes for farming and trying to group up enemies quickly, making op transference not be hosts dependant anymore was a good idea, but making it so that transference now is like having 300 ping, is just a horrible idea, I know that I am talking to a wall and that DE 100% won't change it, but it's worth a shot since there isn't much going for this update with the amount of bad changes and bugs

    submitted by /u/BlueDragonReal
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    The new Zariman Missions are great, but the rewards are lacking.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 08:21 AM PDT

    Missions that integrate Parkour and Operator game-play are wonderful and creative, but there is very little incentive to actually play these new modes.
    This is an End-game area with drop-tables fitting a starter planet. A/B rotations are mostly junk with only 20% chance of getting Meso and Neo relics. C rotation has a whopping 80% chance for a basic focus lens and 20% weapon parts you will only ever need one of unless you play the market. There is a reason Apollo Disruption and Ukko Capture are so popular, it doesn't have to be relics but at-least something to keep players from abandoning the island would be nice.

    submitted by /u/CommissarTyr
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    Last time we had a Focus rework (2.0) all installed Lenses have been removed from frames and weapons. I would have appreciated it a great deal if it was done for this rework as well.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 01:59 AM PDT

    Quinn should be closer to the elevator.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 09:41 AM PDT

    All other bounty givers are right next to the exit, making it a quick turnaround especially on rewards farming or an early lunch. Even Mother is only a short corridor away. Why do we have Quinn standing the furthest?

    submitted by /u/csabatoth
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    [Spoiler] I don't believe my eyes...

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 08:46 AM PDT

    I feel like I'm using A.O.E. weapons more, NOT because of the new changes but because of there being so many containers in the new tileset.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 05:08 AM PDT

    An unintended consequence of looking for all the feather items.

    Poke your head into a room

    Blast it all to hell and vacuum up the drops

    See if there's anything still on the loot radar

    "Oh, there's the Voidplume."

    With how many nooks and crannies the maps can have and the explosions ability to go through walls, I might as well be carrying Limbo's Cataclysm in my back pocket.

    The fact that enemies are getting wiped off the map honestly feels like an added bonus.

    submitted by /u/Runmanrun41
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    What's your favorite Voidshell? Mine's Hildryn's.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 05:54 AM PDT

    is anyone else having a problem with the decorations getting bigger ? I was increasing some decorations, and... it's not decreasing, I need to keep going in and out of the dorm to decrease PS:can i use the spoon as a weapon ? xD

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 09:21 AM PDT

    A minor inconvenience that has always ticked me off, why do we need to skip through TWO cutscenes to land at a relay or hub?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 02:01 PM PDT

    I mean seriously, when I'm heading into a relay or now the Chrysalith and I don't want to watch my lander zoom in and land for the fifty kajillionth time I want to SKIP THE CUTSCENES.

    There have been absolutely ZERO situations where I've though to myself "You know... I wasn't feeling like watching that first cutscene but I REALLY wanted to watch the second one... thanks for the option DE".

    submitted by /u/TheUnBanNanAble
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    Void Fissures Survey - Results

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 11:29 AM PDT

    Why is the Void Flood so horrid?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 07:49 AM PDT

    Why is the Void Flood so horrid?

    You had to collect 20 large vitoplasts. And only thing that counts as "large" are those that fly around the big room that is currently active. And what I know is that their spawn is timed. So killing many enemies or doing the objectives fast has nothing to do with the spawn rates of the "large" vitoplasts. So you need to sit in this 140 lvl hell for 30 minutes to get them all. 30 minutes for a bounty and you wont even have quaranteed chance on getting the reward you want.

    There needs to be some serious balancing made. Because getting the "kill a void angel" in a exterminate mission can be done in like 3 mins. Because for somereason when you go to that mission solo you only have to kill the void angel and not the grineers or corpus...

    So yeah the Void Flood is the most tedious mission type in all of warframe. Enemies wont always drop the vito plasts. And the parkour vito plasts dont spawn in timely fashion. It always just about surviving on the edge of losing it all. You are all the time running out of energy because of the energy leaches. You are all the time running out of shields. You have to do so much more in this mission type than in any other mission type.

    30 mins of hell because of BS bounty objective

    20 Large Vitoplasts

    submitted by /u/Suaraman
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    Operators needed aim glide, not slower dashes.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 08:44 AM PDT

    Operators lacked control because they cannot overcome gravity. The most difficult parts of indoor void dashes are overhang doors and overhead platforms. The impending fall means you have to plan execute multiple dashes in different directions, all in a meager amount of time. The issue was addressed by adding mandatory air freezes each dash, and it is not satisfactory.

    Aim glide/mech hover is already in the game, no need to reduce operator speed to do it.

    submitted by /u/Farfalla_Catmobile
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    What I have to show for about 2 hours of grinding

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 12:53 PM PDT

    My predictions about the Eximus rework were correct

    Posted: 29 Apr 2022 09:54 PM PDT

    My girlfriend started The War Within today, and immediately before boarding the Kuva fortress you need to defend a console and then eliminate all enemies. Said enemies included two regular Leech Eximus and an Energy Leech Eximus. It took almost ten minutes and all four of her revives, and afterwards she chose not to board the fortress and stop playing for a bit because she was frustrated and felt like she wasn't doing anything. Her mod setup was as good as possible given her position, so it's not a problem on her end, it's the fact that for players without access to Amps the Overguard is just an added layer of extra-beefy bullet sponge. Simply put, the Eximus rework may be challenging for veterans and an interesting change of pace, but it's inherently unfriendly to new players who have no way of effectively combating them short of whacking them with whatever melee they have for a minute straight. The changes to their abilities are fine, but the sheer tankiness of the Eximus units will be what keeps new players from progressing due to either frustration or just a wall they can't get past.

    submitted by /u/Durnehvihr69
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    Hull breach! Catastrophic failure IMMINENT!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 06:13 AM PDT

    Voidplumes should be universal pickups

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 12:10 AM PDT

    Currently the process is you go through a mission, complete the objective, then spend 10 minutes running all around the map to pick up marked Voidplumes as your teammate on the other side of the map is picking up the Voidplume you picked up earlier. It automatically marks them for teammates but what if instead, picking it up once provided it to all teammates as well so we aren't all forced to do 30 loops through the map because someone found a Voidplume at the beginning of the mission when we are at excavation.

    Edit: Didn't know before posting but there is someone else who also is making the same request with more likes so if you agree, I'd say upvote that one as well since it will gain more traction.

    If one person picks up a syndicate medallion shouldn't everyone in the squad get it? : Warframe (reddit.com)

    submitted by /u/Tyr-of-Tears
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