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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Q&A | Ask Your Game-Related Questions Here!

    Warframe Weekly Q&A | Ask Your Game-Related Questions Here!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    This thread is for those who aren't that knowledgeable about the game to freely ask questions and get answers. Questions will be answered any day of the week!

    This place will be a troll-free environment so that anyone can ask a question without backlash. In other words: negative attitudes will NOT be tolerated.

    If you wish to just view top level comments (i.e. questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    Comments are sorted by new by default! And remember...

    Questions will be answered any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    Sometimes I don't play for a year, sometimes this happens:

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    Doodle Dump Week 1# by ToaPhantom

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    A new and simple way to show us when we dont have enough resources to buy a token.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    I really love my new look on Nekros !

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Cyber Synth

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:27 AM PDT

    I made a cosplay of an Abyss Watcher from Dark Souls 3 with what little I have. Not quite at the point in the game where I can really do Fashion Frame, but this game is going to have SO many of my hours.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:37 AM PDT

    Ballpoint and Gel pen. why am I doing this?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    When your Empower Wisp gets a +300% Arbitration buff

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    To all the Gundam and mecha fans, I present you the Barbatos Lupus Rex

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    My (Late) Tennotober piece for Day 3 "Void" feat. Xaku "acquiring" Argon from Corrupted Vor

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    Printed out and modeled the Lato, dunno how I'm gonna paint it since it's only 3 inches long...

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    It's reaping time!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    Double impact [SFM]

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    I thought I was saving a Tenno operative, not the bottomless ocean of horror

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    Tiny Tyl Regor in a flask

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    That's what you get for being next to Deimos...

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    Vertical Velocity

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Looking At And Discussing Another Ill-Regarded Ability: Mesa's Ballistic Bullseye.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    So, today I thought I'd discuss another ability that many Tenno generally find unappealing, underwhelming, and underpowered, taking a look at why it's weak and what could potentially be done to improve it. I'm also gonna have to reiterate; I'm by no means a game designer or balance expert, but I think I have a firm enough understanding to at least pose ideas - whether they're good or bad ideas is beyond me to say, though. So, let's get to talking about Ballistic Battery.

    Ballistic Battery as it is Now

    Upon activating the ability, Mesa begins to convert and store damage that she deals into her batteries, converting up to 70% of the damage she deals - up to a maximum of 140 damage per instance of damage - topping out at 1,600 damage stored at 100% charge - which you'll be able to see over the ability icon.

    When you deactivate the ability, all damage stored is then loaded into the next shot you fire, applying the bonus damage to the shot.

    Additionally, its augment mod, Ballistic Bullseye, grants the empowered shot up to 100% bonus status chance based on the amount charged.

    As for the ability scaling, the only mods that will affect this ability are Ability Efficiency for its activation cost, or Ability Strength to increase the damage conversion, damage stored per shot, and maximum damage stored for the ability. Ballistic Bullseye does not scale with any mods.

    What Are Ballistic Battery's Issues?

    Well, first and foremost; the payoff. You can only store up to a specific amount of damage, and that damage is added flat to your next shot - and only one bullet/projectile of the shot - after which you'll have to reactivate the ability and recharge. On most weapons, this is a negligible buff, even with higher Power Strength values to increase the cap.

    Granted, on certain semi-auto crit weapons, that flat damage bonus might prove beneficial, but by and large, you could probably still get more bang for your buck just firing the weapon normally.

    Besides that, the only time this ability can do anything noteworthy is giving you bonus status chance with its augment mod, which even then has only some niche benefits. For Projectile weapons, it is added as an absolute value to the math, while hitscan weapons get an additive bonus from the augment mod.

    But, if your goal is to apply status effects, you're likely aiming to stack up multiple status effects quickly and consistently - two things that Ballistic Battery/Ballistic Bullseye aren't, outside of high-multishot weapons like shotguns - and as stated above, the effects of Ballistic Battery are only applied to one bullet/projectile, not the whole spread.

    So, for being the gunslinger frame, Mesa's first ability doesn't lend itself well to the playstyle - by the time you get the bonus damage, you've already killed a room and a half, and when you fire it off, it's not doing much against any medium-level enemies, and its augment gives a status-chance buff that just doesn't mesh with status-focused builds.

    But, as ever, bad abilities still have the potential to be good.

    Suggestions on How to Improve; + Other Ideas

    So there are a decent number of additions/alterations that could be made to improve Ballistic Battery; the first and simplest being to make Ballistic Bullseye baseline; give the ability an innate effect besides a flat damage increase, and instead make Ballistic Bullseye grant an addative Crit Chance bonus - it is called "Ballistic Bullseye", after all, which Crit lends itself more to the idea of accuracy than Status.

    This could increase build variety a little for Mesa, giving Ballistic Bullseye a spot for a sniper/marksman build to amplify crits. She certainly still wouldn't be competing for Harrow's position, but it'd certainly give her more options.

    Secondly, you could also make the bonus apply to all pellets/bullets/projectiles in the next shot, improving its usage on shotguns or multishot weapons. Since it does take a bit of work to cap off your battery, it should make sense that if you get up close and hit someone with an empowered shotgun blast, it should very much hurt in terms of raw damage, if nothing else.

    And for a crazier idea; completely change Ballistic Battery's damage-storing/buffing paradigm to both increase its efficacy and make it more engaging. My suggestion is as follows;

    Make Ballistic Battery function a little like Gauss' Electrokinetic Battery or Ember's Immolation, giving it a UI element that, while it's active, causes it to charge up the more damage you deal, and passively drain when you're not hitting enemies. The more battery charge you have, the more raw damage you deal per shot and the quicker you can holster and swap your weapons.

    As for how to handle the augment, you could keep it the same or use the first suggested alteration - giving it a more consistent increase to status / critical chance based on the charge - or you could change the augment to have a unique effect when you're at 90% + charge - whether something of a passive aura or an ability you can use at 90% charge for deactivating the ability, like a devastating flourish of gunfire around you.

    This is definitely a lot wilder in terms of suggestions past the first, but I do believe that, as it is, Ballistic Battery might need something a little wilder to be useful in Mesa's kit rather than just being universally relegated to "the ability you ditch for Helminth". Mesa is a fan-favorite largely due to her room-clearing ability, but she should still be a warframe who takes the gunplay up a notch over everyone else.

    What do you all here on Reddit think? Do any of these ideas stand out to you as good, or do you have ideas of your own you'd like to share?

    submitted by /u/WreckedRegent
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    Lua Dock is done, well as done as it can be right now. Until orokin void vines are added to the decorations, the orokin trees used to make the vines are eating up all the capacity. Either way it was a lot of work. Hopefully a dojo rework in the future will allow it to expand. [Lucid Dreams PC]

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Infinite Split Flights stacking bug for infinite multishot and negative infinite accuracy

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    Another Fanframe, this time Widow.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Anyone knows what's Steve's and Scott's idea for what this game SHOULD be ?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    It's clear, that they didn't intend this to be a powerfantasy game, so what is warframe in the eyes of Steve and Scott ? I'm confused.

    submitted by /u/serkeny1
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    Help, my frost became the sun and is going to melt, so are my eyes

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    Vauban + reave is still a really strong combo, you just need a utility weapon built for viral

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:59 PM PDT

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