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    Warframe Trading [PS4][Price Check] How good are these apologies for pic quality

    Warframe Trading [PS4][Price Check] How good are these apologies for pic quality

    [PS4][Price Check] How good are these apologies for pic quality

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 06:43 AM PST

    [PC][WTB][RIVEN] - WTB riven mods with these stats

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 11:38 AM PST

    +Damage, +Multishot, +Critical Chance -harmless or -imp/punct
    +Damage, +Multishot, +Critical Damage -harmless or -imp/punct
    +Critical Damage, +Multishot, +Critical Chance -harmless or -imp/punct
    +Damage, +Critical Damage, +Critical Chance -harmless or -imp/punct

    +Speed, +Range, +Critical Damage, -harmless or -imp/punct for Melee
    +Toxin, +Cold for low riven dispo melee - must be unranked
    +Damage, +Critical Damage, +Speed -harmless or -imp/punct for Gunblades/Glaives
    +Damage, +Critical Damage, +Critical Chance -harmless or -imp/punct for Gunblades/Glaives
    +Damage, +Critical Chance, +Speed -harmless or -imp/punct for Gunblades/Glaives

    +Damage, +Multishot, +Punch through -harmless or -imp/punct for pistols
    +Damage, +Multishot, +Fire Rate/Status Chance/Elemental/Reload -harmless or -imp/punct for some guns (weapon dependant)

    (Harmless negetives may include: -zoom, -ammo max, +recoil, -flight speed on hitscan, -magazine on weapons with 1 magazine or vectis, -slash on some weapons (tigris/drakgoon for example), -melee combo efficiency, -finisher damage, -slide crit)

    Will buy for any weapon, up to several thousand platinum if you have something I like.

    Messege me here or ingame with a image/link to riven and your price, PC, ByteCruncher.

    submitted by /u/zacharycooper1
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 11:18 AM PST

    [PC][PRICE CHECK] +dmg to grineer, inf, corps -cap, should i keep rolling?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 09:55 AM PST

    [NS] [Riven] [Price Check] 6 unrolled rivens, please help with prices ����

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 09:31 AM PST

    [PS4][WTB][Riven] Ferrox Riven +Fire Rate, +Status Duration, +Damage/Elec, and almost any other negative 700p

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 11:50 PM PST

    Almost any negative besides faction damage (yes to -crit chance/crit damage/multishot).

    Willing to take a combination of the above in double positive, one negative at a lower price. PM me or comment below whichever you prefer :)

    submitted by /u/Saynna
    [link] [comments]

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