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    Warframe Ho ho, you're enjoying the new update?

    Warframe Ho ho, you're enjoying the new update?

    Ho ho, you're enjoying the new update?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:42 PM PDT

    What is going on with the upper back glaive holster pose?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    He doesn’t take kindly to boarders punching holes in the ship.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:42 PM PDT

    I'm the voice actor for the Red Veil crew member

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:49 PM PDT

    Just wanted to say thanks for playing and glad people are enjoying (or being disturbed by) all his edgy goodness!

    submitted by /u/Next-Examination7875
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    The new Ceres skybox has no business being this good

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    Dear DE: Don't reject Gian Point for being overplayed, embrace it for what it represented

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    Players have, and always will, look for the fastest ways to gain affinity on their weapons, especially since Liches where introduced and you might need to forma a weapon 5 times to get the full mastery out of it. That's why Gian point was so popular.

    It's why Hydron is such a commonly played node, to the point of veterans bringing newer players there just so they can rank stuff up fast.

    Gian point though? You had to earn it. Rank 7 intrinsics is nothing to sneeze at when you've just got Earth and Saturn (now Venus and Pluto as well). It was like an unlisted reward for sticking with Railjack content.

    You claim that you took "the things that made Gian point popular" and put them in other nodes, but everyone can tell that's just lip service. It was fast because no away crew was needed. It was a straight dogfight. And even without tether and void hole spam it's still faster to clear than a mission where someone has to jump in a base.

    You want more variety in Railjack missions? Gian point was a prime opportunity to put in a true endless mission in to Railjack. An endless mission where you actually stay in the railjack. Throw everything the Corpus and Grineer Navies have to offer at us in an Endless Crossfire Skirmish. Lower the resource drop rates so as time goes on we have to make every dome charge count and face tanking a Crewship leaves us out of reviolite and desperately needing Hull repair. Or a defense mission as a station pulls resources out of the void and we have to stop the Corpus and Grineer from capturing or destroying it. A voyage in to the deep void itself where we have to collect life support to keep our systems from getting fried and leaving us stranded.

    Make Gian Point the "end game" of Railjack. You go there when you've got a tricked out Jack, a maxed out Plexus, and a crew to match. A mission that will push our skill as a crew but reward us with fast, efficient affinity gain. And most importantly, leaves us in the railjack.

    submitted by /u/MindwormIsleLocust
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    ok so hear me out: Named characters as crewmates

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 07:05 PM PDT

    DE: Do you remember removing Friendship Doors from Grineer Railjack because those were complained to be ruining the flow of combat? WHY have they been brought back for Corpus Railjack?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:22 AM PDT

    ...And worse yet, WHY are all players being forced to all enter the big ship together to begin its objective?

    Wasn't the appeal of Railjack being able to delegate inside-outside teams to do seperate/coordinated tasks?

    submitted by /u/Warbreakers
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    [DE] Please add Role Priority instead of Role Assignment!

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    Honestly it's a bit irritating that a crew member set to Defender will disregard hull breaches most of the time unless I set them to engineer, so rather than setting a role and having to change it mid fight to suit the situation, there should be a list of all roles for each crew member and the priority of each can be set differently pre/mid mission.

    This would also solve another issue I have with having to go through the tactical menu to set a crew to pilot as well. And if the crew member's job is already occupied they'll go to the next priority until the higher priority is available.

    submitted by /u/Cursebreaker11
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    Don't forget that DE are acknowledging a lot of major feedback

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 07:27 AM PDT

    Zephyr now stops when hitting surfaces with Tail Wind, meaning you won't be stuck in the animation when hitting walls and cielings anymore, making her finally viable in tight spaces. Credit where credit is due: this was the best rework they could ever give her.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:33 PM PDT

    Thank you DE for 9 billion credits. I am now Parvos

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:03 PM PDT

    You will be not forgotten

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:31 AM PDT

    Credit where credit due: crewmate chatter is something that i wanted all along.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:35 AM PDT

    I have a lot of bad to say about new confusingly horrible and horribly confusing railjack gameplay, but, the fact that hired NPCs chat with you on board, sharing snippets of what the life in this universe outside of Tenno lisets and dojos, its very refreshing. How my Steel Meridian ex-grineer gunner just casually have PTSD about her service, or Suda operative suggest replacing guns with data analyzers, i absolutely love it. Please, DE, more of that!

    (Oh, and, probably add special in-combat chatter, because having a pilot telling stories in the middle of dogfight is funny at best and annoying at worse.)

    submitted by /u/Chosen_Sewen
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    Either let pilots control forward artillery or give them the ability to transition to it without having to get up.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 12:58 PM PDT

    99% of the time the people in my railjack would rather sit in a turret taking pot shots at a crewship instead of either getting out to infiltrate it or getting in the forward artillery and shoot it with something that actually matters leaving me as the pilot to do the job for them.

    It's fucking tedious.

    You're never going to fix people being lazy dumb asses who would rather waste time than actively destroy a crewship so at the least make the job easier for people like me by cutting out the dead time where I'm going through the animation to leave the pilot seat, walking over to the forward artillery, going through the forward artillery animation, praying the crewship hasn't wandered off, then getting back out and getting into the pilot seat again and then having to repeat the whole damn process over and over again while my ship spends the majority of the time just sitting dead in space getting shot at.

    Just add a fucking teleport to the Railjack map that sends you straight to the artillery and one that sends you straight back to the pilot seat or something at least.

    submitted by /u/Enunimes
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    Meet my first crew mate. The one and only Butt Agro. Thank you DE.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 01:23 PM PDT

    i think i was too close.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 04:20 PM PDT

    DE is so close! Let players choose between boarding or helping from railjack

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    Good news for DE, people like railjack gameplay to the point that we want more of it. Many players dislike being forced into core warframe in the middle of the new railjack missions. Boarding is fun, but being forced to board or waiting around for others to board is not. On the other hand babysitting a railjack while others board can suck too. To avoid both possibilities, railjack missions can be designed for teams to choose between boarding together or splitting up. This can be done by creating railjack objectives that aid the boarding party and making the railjack invulnerable* if everyone leaves (as it currently is).

    Here's a quick example rework for the infamous defense missions:

    1 - Complete the space objectives required to board the corpus ship (no changes)

    2 - Someone on the team boards the capital ship but now...

    3 - Enemy crewships start showing up with reinforcements for the defense objective and they are trying to board the capital ship

    4a - Now players can choose to help the away team by boarding with them or by destroying the crewships to reduce the number of enemies in each defense wave

    4b - If everyone leaves the railjack, the railjack is immune* (like the current missions) and they go on to do the defense objective

    With this, players who want to play railjack can do so and those who want core warframe can get it without having to babysit the ship.

    *On a side note, the railjack becoming immune is functional for gameplay but not lore friendly. Maybe have Cy slip the railjack into the void when all players leave it. Then a player can re-summon (and teleport into) the railjack with the omni when they need it back. This pereserves the same functionality while allowing players to not worry about the condition of their railjack when it's left alone.

    submitted by /u/PikeOrShield
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    With the Stalker, Lotus and Vay Hek at my side, i can't lose :)

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 01:34 AM PDT

    On a more positive note, the new tilesets for the corpus railjack bonus objectives are really good and should be used more.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    Right so corpus railjack has a lot of issues, but one of the best things that was added were three (3) new tilesets that are really polished and fun to roam around in.

    Corpus/Orokin hybrid tileset is a really clean change of pace from the original orokin tileset, and I want to see more of it on Venus (maybe 1 or 2 nodes) and in the void, specifically void sabotage missions. It would also be cool if that tileset could show up in the Orb Vallis, as there is a fallen orokin tower literally in the corner of the map.

    Corpus/Orokin hybrid tileset also raises the question of why there aren't any Grineer/Orokin hybrid tilesets? I could think of a couple good uses for a tileset like that, most notably more varied Grineer Railjack bonus objectives and Mercury, which canonically was something like the central shipping hub of the solar system before the fall of the Orokin, the nidus (heh) of the infestation spreading through the system, and one of the few places of note that canonically still has standing orokin towers (as per the trivia part of the wiki.)

    Ice mines is just a better version of Europa. It's been years, why is Europa still a ship graveyard? Updating Europa to use the ice mines tileset with a few extra tiles uniquely set on the surface of the moon would be an easy 100% upgrade. (Provided that the new defense tile is a mostly perfect copy of the layout of Europa's current defense map, as it's like one of the last decent ones remaining)

    Abandoned freighter is a tileset that is hard to maneuver around and isn't exactly the greatest it terms of visibility, but it would be a breath of fresh goddamn air on Eris. Being able to weave the infested tileset and the abandoned freighter tileset together, or just making an event where the corpus try to retake Eris and so one or two of the nodes turn exclusively to abandoned freighter with corpus enemies would be amazing. Additionally, perhaps the tileset could be used on the earlier nodes of Phobos like Roche or Sharpless specifically to draw attention to the fact that Mars and its surrounding area is an active warzone.

    Lastly, completely unrelated to this entire topic, but can the new mini-raknoids that spawn in the corpus railjack missions drop toroids? would be a really good way to further integrate railjack to the main game, even if the toroids they drop are only worth 200 rep each.

    submitted by /u/_Ekoz_
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    Zephyr is finally fun again - Steel Path

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 12:01 AM PDT

    DE, I beg you. Release WF’s up to date OST.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    It would cost you exactly 0 effort. Please. The new Corpus RJ tracks are SICK: every time I login I get goosebumps. I need those.


    submitted by /u/_Hydrus_
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    High Magazine Size on Carmine Penta

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 01:42 AM PDT

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