• Breaking News

    Warframe Update 29.10: Megathreads and other links

    Warframe Update 29.10: Megathreads and other links

    Update 29.10: Megathreads and other links

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    This thread is for anyone to recruit or request others to help them out. It's open to all types of recruitment, and you can recruit any day of the week!

    • Asking for help from other players or offering to help? Go ahead and share your name!

    • Need people to do a certain kind of run? Put your name out there!

    • Want to recruit for your clan? Do it!

    • Anything else you want other players to add you up for? Get the word out and see who offers!

    Please provide the following information in your comment (in no particular order or format):

    • Platform (PC/PS4/XB1/Switch)
    • In-game name (to add to contacts), or clan name if recruiting
    • Location (for lag concerns or looking for players from specific regions)
    • Goal (What are you going to be doing?)

    No formatting necessary! That's right, format your requests or offers howeveryou want! The nicer and prettier it is though, the easier it is to read so keep that in mind!

    Read the other comments! If no one answers your response, add the others who have shared their info! Keep checking back to see who else is out there! Request away!

    And remember...

    You can recruit any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [fanart] Railjack Crew

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    Clem the saviour

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    Tacking defense onto Railjack is possibly the worst change they could have made to the mode.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 07:55 PM PDT

    Honestly, where is the Corpus Railjack? Because all I'm seeing is "park your Railjack and fly to the basic defense mission inside a ship."

    When they said more modes were coming to Railjack, I assumed they meant new ways to play Railjack, like an endless dogfight that gives us survival-style rotations with potential for things like void fissures, etc.

    What I didn't expect was reducing the mode to flying past a bunch of fighters (as there's literally no benefit to engaging with the Railjack section at all) and parking to do a mission that I could have just launched from the star chart in 1/10th of the time.

    Worst of all it's all defense on the absolute worst tile of the game.

    submitted by /u/anarchy753
    [link] [comments]

    Finally, primed health bar.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    A little sad we can't exit corpus railjack ships through the garbage disposal

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 08:04 PM PDT

    Time to hire a full crew of Tenno wannabes and fill a railjack with floofs

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    Forma is killing the game for me

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 02:15 PM PDT

    Forma is easily my least favorite aspect of an otherwise enjoyable game:

    Spamming relics for a chance at forma is a snooze.

    Forma-ing weapons is dumb, it encourages being afk and letting teammates kill to maximize affinity.

    Forma-ing frames is even worse, you're just a walking default frame with useless abilities.

    It's annoying that builds become less flexible, not more, with additional forma due to polarities being locked.

    Forma requirements have increased over the years: frames have separate exalted weapons now that require forma (Sevagoth will have frame/claws/wraith to forma?). Railjack now needs forma. Kuva weapons need forma for mastery.

    One forma-a-day makes even building them a chore.

    Forma alone is making me dissatisfied with the game. How do you guys feel?

    Edit: I'd probably use more forma if it weren't a pain to re-level stuff. Even if we assume I buy forma with plat, leveling repeatedly is annoying/tedious enough to deter me.

    submitted by /u/Stiff_Tacos
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    You thought this was a normal crewmate. BUT IT WAS I!

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    Forget my railjack im taking the mech

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:45 PM PDT

    Revamped Railjack Modding and the Plexus: DE and Transparency

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    (this is like 99% snipped from a comment on another post, but the OP said I should make my own, so...)

    The Plexus and new Railjack modding are a pretty sick joke...

    And absolutely what I expected. They said "it's to lessen the grind and make it easier to understand" but no. No no no. It isn't. It's so they can put more grind through Forma (and the possible monetsiation avenue that brings), and through grinding Endo and Credits to rank mods. If this were ACTUALLY about PURELY making it less grindy and easier to understand, they would have forced a tutorial on the Railjack modding instead.

    People downvoted me for saying this before the update, but let's be real, or at least think about these things:

    • Why did the Dev workshop not clearly say about the rank changes/whether modvionics would retain ranks?
    • Why did the Dev workshop not mention the Endo/Credit Costs
    • Why did the Dev workshop not mention Forma?
    • Why was the idea of a Tutorial to the old Grid system not even TABLED AS A POSSIBILITY to us?

    Because if they were TRANSPARENT and INFORMED us of these things, then people would revolt on a much larger scale over it - nobody would WANT Forma and Polarities, nobody would WANT to lose ranks on their mods post-conversion, nobody would WANT to have to pay more to rank their mods or appreciate the increased grind that it takes to aquire the currencies to rank their mods.

    So they didn't mention those things, they left them out. The first we heard about the Forma thing was on a Home Time after the Dev Workshop went up, where Reb said roughly "If the inclusion of Forma is a deal-breaker for you, then I'm not sure I have good news for you". That says to me they KNEW. They KNEW adding Forma would make some people upset enough to be a deal-breaker, but that's not going to STOP them, because this update was NOT a purely philanthropic effort to improve Railjack. It's an update that's half about improving Railjack, and half about twisting and adding MORE grind to it using the veil of ignorance that most players have to the mode because they didn't/barely engaged in it prior.

    Hopefully now it's out, people will see much of this update was not the bed of roses that it was painted to be. DE is a better company than a lot of them in this industry, but it is absolutely beholden to many of the vices the rest of the game industry is. Before this update they hyped the positives of it, deliberately ommited negative details, and masqueraded negatives as positives because they knew enough of the playerbase was too uninformed to notice. I hope someday this industry can move past this kind of behaviour, but I'm jaded and stung 1000 too many times to think it ever will.

    I appreciate Corpus Proxima. I appreciate Zephyr Deluxe. I appreciate the Command intrinsic. I appreciate some of the actual Railjack QoL in this update.

    I DON'T appreciate the Plexus, how it's been integrated, and all the hiding of details DE knew we wouldn't like leading up to it. DE, in the future, if you think we won't like changes, then use the Dev Workshops for what I thought they were for - talking to us and working on making the Workshopped content the best it can be. If you think we won't like changes, then talk to us, or if you're scared of the backlash, then just don't do the things you know we won't like, instead of hiding them until it's in our hands

    submitted by /u/YuTsu
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    The new railjack missions is just normal missions crammed into Railjack

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 08:41 PM PDT

    There is no interplay between railjack objectives and boarding objectives. DE essentially gave us missions with foreplay before the actual mission. This is wasting the potential of railjack. Like what is the point of the railjack if we are just gonna leave it after doing the railjack objectives to play what is just a normal mission. The failure here is that there really isn't any connection between the railjack side and the boarding side of the mission. The optimal outcome would have been there being cooperative elements in the mission that each side can do to help the other side but there is nothing like that. DE is just artificially extending the mission by putting in another mission that doesn't even require the railjack itself.

    You can't even recall from inside the ships to get back to the railjack once you completed the mission. What even is the point of ranking up in tactical then if the recall function is just going to rendered useless?

    submitted by /u/Kaokasalis
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    Why I use primed sure footed.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    Our reimbursements leave the railjacks much weaker than they previously were. DE couldn't miss the opportunity to steal resources.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 09:55 AM PDT

    The new plexus mods have more capacity meaning we will need to forma the plexus a bunch and to add insult, all of the mods you previously had maxed come at 6/10 or 4/10 fused ranks.

    I got 40k endo reimbursed and had to spend over 210k endo and 6mil credits just to get my mods to the same state they were, except I still cant fit those mods on because I need to burn more forma.


    submitted by /u/adit9999
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    I recruited Fash, Superman and Batman

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 01:20 PM PDT

    The Corpus Proxima is not Railjack

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 05:47 PM PDT

    Simple as that.

    All the Corpus Proxima missions aren't Railjack missions, they're normal missions with a side of Railjack. I get that we want to include more normal gameplay in Railjack missions and that's fine. But DE, this is simply too far.

    Full disclosure: I've so far only made it through the Venus Proxima, so whilst I hope the mission design is far more sensible in the Pluto Proxima, I'm assuming that everything is the same throughout (so please let me know if I'm wrong).

    Take a Defence mission for example. Why does the entire crew have to go and defend the point? This is still supposed to be a Railjack mission right?

    We already know what the solution to this is: Scarlet Spear. Part of the Crew can complete one side of the mission whilst the other part of the crew can complete the other side of the mission.

    So let's go through some of the different mission types:


    Whilst part of the team defend the point, the Railjack defends the ship itself. Because you can't defend a point if the entire ship gets blown up.

    ie. ScarSpear except you have to defend the point in Space as well.


    Just have it work like a Sentient Anomaly mission: the Railjack needs to blow up X amount of enemies whilst the team inside the ship needs to kill Y amount of enemies. Now the team can choose to just waste all the Space enemies first and then kill all the enemies inside the ship (which isn't efficient) OR the can do both simultaneously.

    Orphix Venom

    Maybe the Railjack can kill Sentients outside the ship which will lower the number of Sentients that spawn inside the ship.


    Increase the rate of Engineers spawning but the Railjack can destroy incoming Engineer pods. Fighters and Crew Ships may also be hitting the ship itself to try and cause the heat to accrue faster.

    All while the Railjack Space is getting flooded with enemy fighters and Crew Ships

    Right now, these Railjack missions in the Corpus Proxima aren't Railjack missions. This has got to be a top priority. Most of this update is between fine and great. But this is a real sour point right now.

    EDIT: Oh, I suspect (and I really hope this is the case) that Commander Lvl 10 is the ability to send a Crew member into the objective to complete it for us. So that will solve any "what about Solo players" problems. Y'all can stick to piloting the Railjack when you get Lvl 10 Commander, should this be the case.


    submitted by /u/Dark_Magicion
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    Got the new requiem mod by transmuting defiled mod

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    New Railjack Mod system in a nutshell

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    The new operator outfit is awesome. Finally I can have shredded abs!

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 02:10 PM PDT

    Hey, what's up ?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 01:28 AM PDT

    These rewards are insane

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 01:33 PM PDT

    Update 29.10.0: Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 08:18 AM PDT


    Update 29.10.0: Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack


    Corpus Railjack has arrived, Tenno. As we continue down our "ship what we've shown" path, we've finally arrived at Corpus Proxima! While reviewing the current state of Railjack as we worked on Corpus Proxima, we knew we needed to rework what we had in addition to adding new content. Introducing: Railjack Retrofit! Our initial 2019 Empyrean venture was a daring leap into space, but as we aimed for Lua there were some missteps. Our initial vision to provide a fresh new gameplay experience progressed into being overly complicated with an unnecessarily high barrier to entry. This Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack Update aims to simplify the Railjack experience for new and returning players. We encourage you to take your time as you dive back in - a lot has changed! And if you're new to Railjack, welcome. It's the perfect time to start.

    As you've probably guessed, Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack is a Mainline Update! In usual Mainline fashion, some unreleased things may slip through the cracks and potentially cause some bumps. Please let us know if you spot anything by reporting in our threads!

    You'll be able to report feedback (or bugs) here:


    Or, take a birds-eye-view look in our new Update board: https://trello.com/b/K34ACrAu/pc-update-29100-bug-feedback-tracking


    The Corpus Railjack Update is here! This Update brings you a full Corpus Railjack experience with brand new regions and Points of Interest to explore.

    New Corpus Proxima Regions

    Robots and Crewmen are taking to the skies and have greatly expanded the Proxima Star Chart - three new planets (Venus, Neptune and Pluto Proxima) will introduce new enemies, new Points of Interest and more. There will also be the most difficult missions for Corpus Railjack added to the Veil Proxima.


    The types of missions available are now more diversified, in our efforts to further combine the Railjack experience with regular Warframe gameplay.

    Some of these new mission types will already be familiar - classic Defense and Exterminate modes will occasionally be the main objective of a Railjack mission. Fight your way into the capital ship as a team, and extract back to Railjack upon completion.

    If it's loot you're after, those greedy Corpus in the Corpus Proxima have many secrets to explore! Leave no container unopened, no vessel untouched, no enemy unbothered!

    Each Corpus Proxima mission has structures for keen Tenno to explore and loot. Happy hunting!

    Ice Mines: Neptune Proxima

    Derelict Freightlinker: Pluto Proxima and Veil Proxima

    Orokin Shield Derelict: Venus Proxima

    We have also added two new mission types!

    The first, known as Orphix , will be familiar to anyone who played the Orphix Venom event - take down the Sentient invaders, making use of Operators and Necramechs to circumvent the nullifier pulse fields. Similar to the Operation, if you do not own a Necramech of your own there are downed Necramechs available in mission for you to use. Instead of earning event currency, these missions can reward Arcanes , offering an alternative to Eidolon capturing squads. Orphix nodes will be locked if you have not completed the Second Dream due to heavy spoilers!

    The second is known as Volatile! This completely new Mission type will offer the means to sabotage a Capital ship. Help Cephalon Cy from the inside by making use of the environment to cause a Reactor failure, while fighting off Engineers who can stop you!

    A full list of rewards can be found on our public PC droptable site: warframe.com/droptables

    Here is a list of other rewards found within Corpus Railjack:

    • Carmine Penta

      • A special variant of the Penta grenade launcher, featuring a higher fire rate and doubled magazine size.
        • Find the Carmine Penta Blueprint and Components on new Corpus Railjack Derelict Freightlinkers!
    • Athodai

      • Reverse-engineered from propulsion tech to pack a serious kick. Headshot kills trigger Overdrive, locking off secondary functions while maximizing your fire rate and ammo efficiency for a short time.
        • Find the Athodai Blueprint and its respective parts on new Corpus Railjack Orokin Shield Derelicts!
    • New Rifle Mod: Internal Bleeding

      • Impact Status Effects have a 35% chance to apply a Slash Status Effect (x2 when Fire Rate is below 2.5).
        • Find the Internal Bleeding Mod on new Corpus Railjack Derelict Freightlinkers, Ice Mines, and Orokin Shield Derelicts!
    • New Pistol Mod: Hemorrhage

      • Impact Status Effects have a 35% chance to apply a Slash Status Effect (x2 when Fire Rate is below 2.5)
        • Find the Hemorrhage Mod on new Corpus Railjack Derelict Freightlinkers, Ice Mines, and Orokin Shield Derelicts!
    • New Warfan Stance: Votive Onslaught

      • Precise, focused arcs and cuts not hampered by pity.
        • Find the Warfan Stance on new Corpus Railjack Derelict Freightlinkers, Ice Mines, and Orokin Shield Derelicts!
    • New Nautilus Sentinel

      • With 'Auto Omni' and 'Cordon' as default Precepts, this Sentinel is the ideal companion for long voyages aboard a Railjack.
        • Find the new Nautilus Sentinel Blueprint and Components in new Corpus Railjack Ice Mines!
    • Nyx Prime, Hikou Prime, and Scindo Prime Relics

    • Valkyr Prime, Venka Prime, and Cernos Prime Relics

      • We've permanently Unvaulted Nyx/Valkyr Prime and their accompanying Prime weapons in Corpus Railjack! Find their Relics in new Corpus Railjack Derelict Freightlinkers, Ice Mines, and Orokin Shield Derelicts! As well as in Grineer Point of Interest rewards!
    • Warframe Arcanes in Rotation C (i.e every 12 Orphix) of Orphix gamemode in Corpus Railjack (max 36 Orphix).

    • Ash and Oberon have been added to Railjack rewards! Oberon Component Blueprints can be found in Grineer Railjack Point of Interest and Skirmish Bonus reward tables, and Ash Component Blueprints can be found in Corpus Railjack Defense mission rewards.

      • We've permanently removed Ash and Oberon Blueprints from Eximus and Manic drop tables respectively. We did this to connect Railjack to some more 'core Warframe' style rewards, and make their acquisition more straightforward for matchmaking purposes.

    Corpus Missions & Points of Interest Feedback Megathread: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1253291-update-29100-corpus-missions-points-of-interest-feedback-megathread-read-first-post/




    With new Proxima regions unveiled come new Railjack enemies of the Corpus variety! Corpus Proximas are loaded with special units engineered to withstand the outer limits of the Star Chart, and also bring you down.

    Each Corpus Proxima has identifiable units:

    Venus Proxima: TARO

    Neptune Proxima: AXIO

    Pluto Proxima: VORAC

    Veil Proxima (Corpus nodes): ORM

    Arm your Railjack to fend off HARPI attack fighters armed with rapid-fire plasma cannons, WEAVER fighters who spin and launch target-seeking globes of highly-charged plasma, BASILISK fighters with tracking turrets that deliver focused bursts from its energy beam, and many more!

    Storm Capital Stanchion ships to battle ATLOC RAKNOIDS upgraded with a thorax-mounted missile launcher, VAMBAC special units equipped with proximity-grenade launcher, CULVERI MOAS armed with a high-intensity thermal beam, the Corpus Proxima Elite AURAX units, and many more!

    Hijack enemy Corpus Crewships to take control of not only flight, but also their Missile Swarm firepower!


    Ticor Plate

    High-density alloy armor plating used in the construction of offensive spacecraft.

    This resource is a catch-all essential Forge Resource for Tenno! Ticor Plate can be fed to Helminth for Bile.


    We are removing 6 Railjack Resources from drop tables:

    • Pustrels

    • Copernics

    • Trachons

    • Kesslers

    • Bracoid

    • Fresnels

    We wanted to reduce the number of Resources we introduced in our original Railjack launch. They'll remain in your Inventory as we'll be looking at possibly reintroducing them at a later date. All Blueprints that required these items have been updated to reflect viable Resources, and respective drops have been swapped to Ticor Plate where appropriate. These Resources have also been removed from Helminths Bile Feeding menu. If you spot any mentions of these Resources that we might have missed please let us know!

    For Tenno who have partially contributed these Resources to Wreckage, the percentage of your contribution will be honoured for the Resource that replaces it. Ex: If you contributed 60% of the needed Copernics for a Carcinnox, that 60% contribution will be carried over when the Blueprints are updated.

    Additionally, we are taking this opportunity to simplify Forge recipes to reduce the variety of resources needed. All forgeable items will require some combination of:

    • Ticor Plate

    • Titanium

    • Cubic Diodes (Corpus Proximas)

    • Carbides (Grineer Proximas)




    • With 'Auto Omni' and 'Cordon' as default Precepts, this Sentinel is the ideal companion for long voyages aboard a Railjack.

    Find Nautilus in the Market for Platinum or its Blueprint/Components in Corpus Railjack Ice Mines!

    Auto Omni Precept Mod

    • Nautilus has 100% chance to repair nearby Railjack Hull damages and extinguishes fires on Railjack. Cooldown: 20s

    Cordon Precept Mod

    • Nautilus forces enemies within 30m of the target into clusters for easier targeting. Cooldown: 15s

    Both the Auto Omni Precept and Cordon Precept Mod are automatically given when Crafting or purchasing the Nautilus Sentinel!

    THE NEW RAILJACK: Railjack Retrofit!

    What's Changed:

    Warframe has several key strengths that have helped it stand the test of time in the world of video games. One of these strengths is a sense of " flow "; blade and gun blend together, and mission objectives are clear, challenging reflexes and awareness. From your first foray into the Star Chart, mission progress flows into Junction progress, leading to Questlines and other systems opening up naturally.

    Enter Railjack. Technology from the Old War that when wielded today, could take all of Warframe's combat to Orbit. We tried many things that were different from the norm. While some elements did offer a unique spin on the existing formula, it was not for everybody, and many complaints cited the amount of separation from the main game as a negative. And we agree. To quote the venerable Cephalon Cy: We have work to do.

    As we revisit Railjack in 2021, our overall goal is to simplify these points of friction, better integrating Warframe's signature "flow". This flow has evolved over the years for core Warframe, thanks in no small part to our continuous overhauls and revisits. From 'Bullet Jumping' to 'The Sword Alone', our path is rarely straight forward. If any Tenno out there chose to customize their Railjack Ship and name it 'Theseus', you may be onto something.

    What is 'The New Railjack'? The name is deceivingly simple. The depth will be explored in this workshop below, indexed by the way you will interact with it.

    Here is a list of scripts / account changes happening on Login, with further information below:

    List of Player Account scripts and revisions:

    1) Give player the new Plexus if they own an Archwing, otherwise this is given out on Archwing Quest completion!

    2) Give player an 'Early Adopter' bundle based on one of 3 criteria outlined below!

    3) Give Clan a commemorative Statue if they have a Dry Dock!

    4) Turn all Dirac into Endo

    5) Turn all Dirac invested in Avionics Grid into Endo

    6) Turn all Avionics into Mods

    7) Remove all obsolete Mods and turn into their Replacement new 'Plexus Aura' Mods, and other retired mods into Endo

    8) Turn all player's Tier I, II, and III Reactors into Reactors with new attributes as per new designs

    Tier 1 - 20-40% manufacturer specialty

    Vidar: Range

    Lavan: Duration

    Zetki: Strength

    Tier 2 - 50-80% manufacturer specialty

    Vidar: Range

    Lavan: Duration

    Zetki: Strength

    Tier 3 - 40-60% manufacturer specialty and 20-40% secondary property

    Vidar: Range, Duration

    Lavan: Duration, Strength

    Zetki: Strength, Range

    9) Turn all mentions of 'Flux' related Subroutines into new Subroutines.

    10) Reset all Intrinsics to 0, players must Re-Spec!

    1. What will happen on login?

    More Accessible
    Avionics to Mods

    Meet The 'PLEXUS'
    Dirac to Endo
    Intrinsics 2.0 - Re-spec your Intrinsics!
    Command Intrinsic

    New Railjack Component: Plating

    Wreckage Cost Changes

    Early Adopters

    Streamlined Matchmaking (obey normal rules!)

    1. What's different in missions?
      New Railjack Layout (smaller interior).
      Stamina is gone!

    Forge and Individual resource pools


    _Battle Mods
    Malfunctions and Hazards _

    Unified Damage Types

    Node changes

    1. What Comes Next?

    Void Storms and Relics!
    Update 30: Call of the Tempestarii

    1. What will happen on login?

    More Accessible:

    First thing's first: if you have yet to build your Railjack as part of the Rising Tide Quest, the cost of ship components and the time it takes for each one to build has been dramatically reduced (the difference in cost will be part of our early adopter compensation below). Simply put: less Grind.

    If you'd rather just jump straight into the action, a fully built Railjack will also be available through the in-game Market for Platinum in the new Railjack category (must have an Archwing to purchase). The Rising Tide Quest will automatically be completed if a Railjack is purchased from the in-game Market - you can replay the Quest at any time in the Codex! Maybe you've noticed a pattern - when we released Necramechs, we didn't sell them for Platinum at launch either. Their Market appearance came many months later with Orphix Venom. It's almost paradoxical that as a Free to Play game we don't put these new items in the Market. There really isn't a good reason, either, and players really have made it clear they'd like the option to buy new items with Platinum -- whether bought or traded. And now the option is there.

    For those who prefer the free path, they can enjoy a shorter wait and less Resources to build their own Railjack!

    Avionics to Mods:

    Now let's talk AVIONICS. Before you even think of departing, you'll want to revisit your Railjack's Avionics, which have been redone as... Railjack MODS!

    That's right, Avionics are no more. This entire system has been completely overhauled, including Avionics being turned into regular Mods, so everything has been unequipped and reset. Gone are the days of upgradeable Grid slots, and praying that your Host's Railjack has the Avionics you want to use. In fact, you aren't even equipping things on the Railjack itself anymore…

    Meet the 'PLEXUS'

    Instead, Tenno will have a " PLEXUS " that they bring with them into every Railjack mission, carrying the three types of Avionics you are familiar with. Battle/Tactical Mods remain the same, but are personal to you, being available on any Railjack you board. Integrated Mods will be separated much like Warframe mods: Personal Mod slots that only benefit you, and Aura Mods that benefit the Railjack and your entire squad. Aura Mods for the Plexus will simply go in the designated Aura slot, similar to how Modding your Warframe works!

    The Plexus comes pre-installed, no player Orokin Reactors required!

    You will also gain Mastery with your Plexus from Affinity gained in your Railjack missions, which will let you Forma the Plexus to its maximum potential!

    Railjack Integrated Mod Screen:


    Railjack Battle Mod Screen:


    Railjack Tactical Mod Screen:


    Railjack Mod drains have been rebalanced with respect to the new PLEXUS Modding system.


    Old Max Drain: 13

    New Max Drain: 15


    Old Max Drain: 8

    New Max Drain: 11

    Section Density

    Old Max Drain: 10

    New Max Drain: 15

    Forward Artillery

    Old Max Drain: 9

    New Max Drain: 16

    We hope that reverting back to the familiar Modding screen will help lessen the learning curve for new players. The shift to personal Mod loadouts should also allow for a more consistent gameplay experience, including public matchmaking.

    For added convenience, the Plexus can be Modded in several locations : in your Dry Dock terminal (like before), in the new Dry Docks found in various Relays (accessible via Fast Travel), and even in your own Orbiter!


    Dirac to Endo

    Since Avionics are now treated like regular Mods, Dirac (the upgrade Resource for Avionics) is being converted into Endo , for a more cohesive upgrading experience. All Dirac spent on your Grid will be reimbursed (i.e up to 39,000 Dirac to Endo if you maxed out your Grid), and all existing Dirac stockpiles will turn into Endo on login of Update 29.10.0 at a rate of 1:1.

    Intrinsics 2.0

    Now, onto Intrinsics! Firstly, you'll need to re-spec ALL your Intrinsics when you login! Because we changed so much, we want to make sure everyone gets a fresh start on where to spend their Intrinsics. This gives us the opportunity to overhaul the various progression trees, rewarding players' investment in progression.

    It's worth noting that no Mastery has been lost with this re-spec!

    Here is a full table of the current Intrinsic Ranks for each category from Ranks 1 - 10:

    - Tactical Piloting Gunnery Engineering
    1 Tactical System: Deploy Tactical Mods and access Crew tracking system via Tactical Menu [L]. Boost: Hold to boost Engine Speed. Firing pilot guns interrupts boosting. Target Sync: Target lead indicators and ordnance lock-on. Applied Omni: Accelerated hazard suppression and hull repair.
    2 Ability Kinesis and Overseer: Warframe abilities can be deployed as tactical support. Enables crew chase camera. Vector Maneuver: Tap to burst Directional Thrusters. Phantom Eye: Augmented reprojection and turret suspensors allows full 360 degree combat engagement. Rapid Support: Decrease cooldown for Air Support Charges by 50%.
    3 Command Link: Fast Travel within vessel. Coordinate squad members with command interface. Vectored Evasion: Near-by enemy projectiles lose lock-on during Vector Maneuver. Archwing Slingshot: High velocity Archwing deployment into the combat zone. Slingshot Archwing damages fighters and penetrates enemy crewship Hulls. Ordnance Forge: Replenish combat Ordnance while deployed.
    4 Recall Warp: Omni gear can be used to warp aboard the ship from anywhere. Drift Maneuver: During Vector, press & hold to drift. Archwing Fury: Increase Archwing Attraction Range by 25m and Melee Range by 0.75m and Damage by 20%. Dome Charge Forge: Resupply forward Artillery cannon during combat.
    5 Deploy Necramechs: Deploy Necramechs in all RAILJACK missions. Boosted Scavenger: Increase loot pickup radius by 3x while boosting, drifting or dodging. Hidden derelicts are marked. Necramech Fury: Increase Necramech Gun damage by 20%. Optimized Forge: Increase Forge yields by 25%. Craft Hull Restores.
    6 Tactical Efficiency: Reduces Energy Consumption for Battle Mods by 25%. Ram Jammer: A 25% chance of jamming an incoming Ramsled's targeting systems, causing them to overshoot and explode. Cold Trigger: Reduce Turret Heat Accretion by 20%. Forge Accelerator: Increase Forge processing speed by 25%.
    7 Tactical Response: Reduces Tactical Mod cooldown by 20%. Necramech Haste: Necramech Movement Speed increased by 10%. Advanced Gunnery: Reduce overheat recovery time by 50%. Extends Slingshot range by 50%. Full Optimization: Further increase Forge yields by 25%.
    8 Archwing Tactical Blink and Necramech Cooldown: Reduces Archwing Blink cooldown by 25%. Reduces Necramech summon cooldown by 25%. Aeronaut: Archwing Speed increased by 20%. Vengeful Archwing: Increases Archwing power: Damage +25%, Ability Strength +20%, Ability Range +20%, and Ability Efficiency +20%. Vigilant Archwing: Increase Archwing defense. Health +30%, Shield +30%, and Armor +30%.
    9 Swift Tactics: Further reduces Tactical Mod cooldown by 20%. Ramming Speed: Reduce Incoming Damage by 25% while Boosting. Ramming into enemies while Boosting will deal 2000 Impact Damage. Flush Heat Sinks: Reloading when weapons are overheated will cool weapons to 0 in 0.5 secs. Vigilant Necramech: Increase Necramech defense. Health +25%, Shields +25%.
    10 Join Warp: Warp from ship to crew member. Railjack Blink: Double tap Jump to instantly translate the Railjack forward (Blink), leaving a trail of turbulence that slows nearby enemies. Reflex Aim: Turret aim will snap to lead indicator for 3s but the Turret overheats 20% faster. Anastasis: Remotely repair onboard hazards.

    Railjack Intrinsics 2.0 Feedback Megathread: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1253290-update-29100-railjack-intrinsics-20-feedback-megathread-read-first-post/

    We removed the Pilot Drift Maneuver Charge/Launch because it could often lead to unintended collisions. Pilots can now impeccably maneuver their craft at high speeds once they learn the new system without risk of accidents!

    Command Intrinsic

    The newest and long awaited Command Intrinsic makes its debut! Command brings a whole new gameplay choice to Railjack by giving you the option to Hire your own Crew to operate familiar Railjack tasks: Piloting, Gunnery, Repair, and Combat! For those that want to Solo venture out in space, Hiring a Crew member can help you manage all the aspects of surviving and thriving out in the Proximas.

    With the Intrinsic re-spec in this Update you can now spend your Intrinsics towards Command if it's up your gameplay alley:

    Rank Command
    1 1st Crew Member: Unlocks the first Crew member and the ability to hire them from Ticker.
    2 Competency Gain: Allows you to give 1 Competency point to your Crew members.
    3 2nd Crew Member: Unlocks the second Crew member.
    4 Competency Gain: Allows you to give 1 Competency point to your Crew members.
    5 3rd Crew Member: Unlocks the third Crew member.
    6 Competency Gain: Allows you to give 1 Competency point to your Crew members.
    7 Competency Retraining: Allows you to redistribute previously assigned Competency points.
    8 Unusual Crewmates: Converted Liches become available as Crew members. (Liches can only Defend the Railjack from enemies)
    9 On Call: One of your Crew members can be designated as being On Call and can be summoned to aid you in non-Railjack missions. Your 'Second in Command' will join you on missions to help for a limited time - they can't be away from their Railjack post for too long!

    Once you've unlocked your Command Intrinsic and have Crew Member Slots for Crewmates, it's time to visit Ticker in Fortuna. She can put you in touch with a wide variety of people from all across the Star Chart for the right Hire price! Their price may be determined by your alignment with certain Syndicates - some Crew will join you at a discount, and others double the price! Your Syndicate alignments determine all.

    Each Crew for Hire will have their own set of competencies: Piloting, Gunnery, Repair, Combat, and Endurance.

    Your Crew will help keep your Railjack operational when flying in squads of less than 4 players. Which is to say - your Crew will help you out provided a Tenno cannot! Each Crewmate is available forever once Hired, but if you want to have more than 3 Crew members available to you, you'll need to purchase more Crew Member Slots via the in-game Market or 'End Contract' with a Crewmate to release from service.

    Crew Training & Management

    Once you've Hired a Crew member from Ticker, head back to your Dry Dock management screen and visit the new Crew tab to 'ASSIGN CREW' for your Railjack.

    If you don't have access to a Clan Dry Dock, fear not! Publicly available Dry Docks can be found in the Second and Third tier Relays (Saturn - Kronia and Pluto - Orcus relays on PC) on each Platform.


    Here you can also customize Appearance, Equip a Weapon, Train, and Assign Roles for each Hired Crew member.


    Utilize your collection of Fashion Frame cosmetics and equip your Crew members with Armor and Syandanas. Fully customize the color channels of each Crew member to your liking!

    Equip Primaries

    Put your firepower in your Crew's hands by sharing the wealth of your Arsenal with them! You can equip any Rifle, Shotgun, or Pistol Weapon (no Bows, Spears, etc), you own for your Crew member to use, including the Mods and Customization. Any changes you make to your crew's weapons will also affect it in the Arsenal for your personal use as well. Weapons can only be equipped to one Crew Member at a time, no same Crew Member can use the same weapon from your Arsenal.


    Earn 'Competency Points' via Command Intrinsic Ranks to increase aptitude in certain roles:

    • Piloting : Determines maximum Railjack speed when Crewmate is Piloting.

    • Gunnery : Determines accuracy and heat accretion when Crewmate mans the Railjack Swivel Turrets.

    • Repair : Determines Crewmate's Railjack repair and self-healing times.

    • Combat : Determines Crewmate's combat damage.

    • Endurance : Determines Crewmate's Health and Shield ratings.

    These Competency Points can be applied to any member of the Crew you Hire. For example, if you have unlocked 3 Competency Points, you can spend 3 Competency Points on each Crew member. If you then End Contract with that Crew Member and hire another, you will be able to apply 3 Competency Points to them immediately. Simply put, they are not consumed / exclusive per Crew member!

    Additionally, once you reach Command Rank 8, Converted Kuva Liches are available for Crewing your Railjack as a Defensive powerhouse who are very difficult to take down thanks to their incredibly high Health stat. Their role is strictly to guard your Railjack from intruders while you and your Crew get the rest done! Kuva Lich Crew members come as they are and cannot be Trained or Customized. If you Trade your equipped Converted Kuva Lich Crew member it will be removed from your Crew.


    Assign Role

    Assign each Crew member to specific roles before taking off, or change their assignments on the fly with the Tactical Menu! You can choose from Pilot, Defender, Gunner, or Engineer.

    And there you have it! You and your new Railjack Crew are ready for the Proximas!

    Command Intrinsic Feedback Megathread: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1253289-update-29100-command-intrinsic-feedback-megathread-read-first-post/

    New Railjack Component: Plating

    Even though Mods have been moved to a personal player level, the Components of your Railjack like Shields, Engines and Weapons (Armaments and Components) will still be dependent on the hosting player's collection. This Update includes a number of new weapons to collect and upgrade (listed below), but also an entirely new component: Plating. Since Health and Armor Mods can no longer be applied to the Railjack itself, this component determines the Health and Armor values of your Railjack.


    These new Plating Components can be found as Wreckage throughout Grineer & Corpus Railjack missions and can be Repaired and Valence Fusioned like all other Railjack Components in a Dry Dock.

    Wreckage Cost Changes

    Speaking of Shield, Engines, and Weapons (Armaments and Components), we have significantly reduced the Resources required to build options from the Wreckage you acquire. Simply put, yet again, less Grind.

    Early Adopters

    Now for the " Early Adopters " information. Whether you're someone that's already 'finished' Railjack or have just a couple of hours under your belt - we have a variety of bundles you may be eligible for!

    Clans with a Dry Dock:


    In recognition of the construction of a home for the Railjack, and Cephalon Cy.

    The Exclusive Clan Railjack Monument is available to any Clan that has either built a Dry Dock, or has started research on any of the Railjack Clan Tech to catch Clans who might have removed their Dry Dock at some point.

    Tier 1:

    -4 Avionic Grid Slots Maxed

    + 1 Wreckage Built

    1x Rush Repair Drone

    2x Armament Slots

    10 x Riven Slivers

    Bonus Railjack Mods

    • Munitions Vortex

    • Battle Forge

    • Particle Ram

    • Void Hole

    • Railjack Resource Bundle

    Bundle of Common + Uncommon RJ Resources

    • 1000 Ticor Plate

    • 2500 Cubic Diodes

    • 3500 Carbides

    • 3500 Titanium

    • 75 Isos

    • 75 Gallos Rods

    • 75 Asterite

    Tier 2:

    -7 Avionic Grid Slots Maxed

    + 3 Wreckage Built

    Everything in Tier 1

    2x Rush Repair Drones

    15 Riven Slivers

    10,000 Endo

    7 Day Resource and Affinity Booster

    Railjack Resource Bundle #2

    Bundle of Uncommon + Rare RJ resources

    • 125 Isos

    • 125 Gallos Rods

    • 125 Asterite

    • 10 Aucrux Capacitors

    • 10 Komms

    • 10 Nullstones

    Tier 3:

    -Full Avionic Grid Maxed

    + 6 Wreckage Built (i.e all Slots have something you've made).

    Everything in Tier 1 AND Tier 2

    3x Rush Repair Drones

    Legendary Core

    Umbra Forma

    Railjack Resource Bundle #3

    • 15 Aucrux Capacitors

    • 15 Komms

    • 15 Nullstones

    IN ADDITION: Any Repair Drones you have used will be given back, even if you don't meet any of these Tiers.

    Matchmaking Changes

    Once your Railjack and Plexus are all set up, it's time to find a mission. We've taken this opportunity to streamline Railjack Matchmaking , better following the rules set out in the main game. Playing as a Host used to require starting the mission from your own Railjack (Liset or Dry Dock). Now, clicking a node with no open squads in the regular Star Chart will start your own hosted mission, instead of giving you an error about no open squads and asking you to go to the Dry Dock (or the back of your Ship).

    1. What's different in missions?

    New Railjack Layout

    When you first step onto your Railjack, you may notice a few key differences…

    The left and right turrets behind the cockpit are no more; instead you'll find entrances to a "dorsal" turret on top of the ship, and a "ventral" turret on the bottom. This makes 360 degree turning much more sensible, and will improve the sensation of aiming while in motion, as you now look in the direction of ship flight by default.

    Going further back in your Railjack, there used to be a large open area with several floors, connecting to the Archwing Slingshot at the top, and the cargo hold at the back. This area is essentially no more - all of the ship's vital functions have been compressed into a single smaller space , to reduce traversal time between stations. The Arsenal has also been removed from this space as a result. When fast traveling to the 'Arsenal' from the pause menu while your Railjack is docked in the Dojo, you will now simply be teleported to your Dojo's Arsenal.

    Stamina is Gone!
    Back in the cockpit, you choose a mission node and launch from the Dry Dock. Upon warping into the sector, your Railjack feels lighter and more mobile than ever before… Not only has the base speed of the Railjack been increased , but also the Railjack sprint bar is no more! Making it much easier to reach mission objectives quickly.

    Pilots CAN fire their gun while Boosting at the cost of the Railjack slowing down, as opposed to a hard stop previously mentioned in our Dev Workshop, at which Boosting will resume once firing is over. We've added a small cooldown to the Dodge maneuver to compensate for the sprint bar removal, but it can still be used much more frequently than before!

    Opening the Tactical menu, you'll see that the map perspective is now static, a common player request. Crewmates will also appear at the bottom, allowing you to observe their position or issue new orders.


    Forge and Individual Resource Pools

    So now bullets, missiles and fighters are flying fast and hectic in the heat of battle. You aim at a swarm of Corpus fighters, deploy your personal avionic ability and... oh no! Someone already used all the Flux Energy!

    If this has ever happened to you before, worry not. As of this update, all Railjack ammo stockpiles are tracked separately per player, but ammo crafted in the Forge replenishes the stockpiles for all Tenno. From Revolite to Dome Charges, you'll only have to keep track of your own ammo consumption, but dedicated Engineers can still make a huge impact on gameplay if you call out what you need. These consumables will also replenish slowly on their own over time, so Railjacks will always be fully stocked before leaving the Dry Dock and there's no need to 'Refine' the Forge at the end of your mission.

    As part of the transition from Railjack-based Avionics to player-based PLEXUS, Battle/Tactical abilities will now be fueled by Warframe energy , and Flux Energy will be completely removed from the game (any Avionics that relate to it will be converted to Endo). This allows players with existing tools for Energy generation to better integrate those tools into regular Railjack gameplay, further intertwining the two sides of the game. For non-Energy consuming Warframes like Lavos and Hildryn, cool downs and Shield-as-energy on Railjack will apply, respectively.

    Additionally, the Battle Forge can make Warframe Energy! This means that in addition to existing player strategies, the Forge itself will be regularly outputting large pools of Warframe Energy with Player use. As with Ammo, any Energy made in the Forge will be shared across the Squad, so remember to thank your Engineers!

    Finally, we are adding a new craftable: Hull Restore! Forging these instantly restores Health to your Hull in real-time. In this new item and all other Forge craftables, the new resource Ticor Plate (that drops in all Railjack missions) will be essential in keeping your Railjack running smoothly!

    Battle Mods

    When it comes to casting the Battle Mods you have on your Plexus, be tactical. We've added a mechanic to balance against potential Battle Mod overuse - Battle Mods have a gauge that increases the Energy cost if you use duplicate Abilities in quick succession! Simply balance your casting against the meter on each Battle Mod, and you'll get the most efficient and deadly use out of your strategies!

    We have also done a balance pass on various Railjack Mods, some Battle Mods included. Please refer to the specific "RAILJACK BATTLE MOD CHANGES" section of the notes for more details!


    Now - let's talk about Reactors. They existed to give you Avionics Capacity, and Flux Energy. Both of those things are now removed, so the new role of Reactors is to provide Power Strength, Range, or Duration buffs to Railjack Battle Avionics being used aboard the ship!

    If you had Reactors prior to this update, you can see how yours changed to fit this new role in the "List of Player Account scripts and revisions" section near the top of these notes!

    Malfunctions and Hazards

    Railjack Malfunctions/Hazards have also received a refresher to no longer directly affect the Railjacks Health or Shields!

    • Electrical Hazards now scramble your Mini Map and disable use of the Tactical Menu.

    • Catastrophic Hull Breaches now deals damage to all players on board until it has been sealed.

    • Ice Hazards can now freeze interactive elements of the Railjack: Pilot seat, Forges, Archwing Slingshot, Doors, and Turrets.

    • Fire Hazards now cause weapons to overheat quicker and cool down more slowly.

    • Hull Ruptures have been removed all together.

    Unified Damage Types

    Railjack combat inherited a lot of the familiar Warframe damage types, but with a twist. Impact became Ballistic, Cold became Frost, and so on. We are removing the second layer of 'Railjack' Damage types to unify and have the system be based on what Players already spend time learning: core Warframe elements. This means that:

    Ballistic = Impact
    Plasma = Puncture
    Particle = Slash
    Frost = Cold
    Ionic = Electricity
    Incendiary = Heat
    Chem = Toxin

    Node Changes

    The Nodes in the Railjack you know are split across Earth, Saturn, and the Veil Proxima. There's choice, sure, but there's no real meaningful choice with the only option being 'Skirmish' - or at least it seems that way until you memorize what Points of Interest live on what nodes. Then what?

    It comes down to too much repetition of a small set of nodes, and a lot of Railjack just being ignored. For what we believe to be the healthier new direction for Railjack, we are making some changes by removing some existing Grineer nodes.

    This includes the removal of the Gian Point node. A decision that was not made lightly, but in the interest of improving the variety of missions played we felt it was a necessary step. We've essentially taken what was good about Gian Point (a quick turnaround mission with a high Affinity reward) and put it into the objectives of Railjack itself, so that the diversity of content gets played in more than just one node over and over (and over) again.

    submitted by /u/CephalonAhmes
    [link] [comments]

    Inside of Railjacks look bad. What happened to the wear slider?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    As the title states. We used to have a slider much like the outside (which is still there) to show how much wear (Battle Damage) the ship has. It looks like the interior is on Max. Which looks horrible. I never had it that way. I put at most 20%

    submitted by /u/EVOLiTiLE
    [link] [comments]

    Ignis Wraith Blueprint is now in the Railjack caches rewards, together with the Spectra Vandal

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    I already have the name for it.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    Have you seen the new "Eyebleed Proxima" UI? I did.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 07:59 PM PDT

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