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    Warframe Inflatable Grineer Armor, Maybe Now Our Warframes Will Be Able To Swim!

    Warframe Inflatable Grineer Armor, Maybe Now Our Warframes Will Be Able To Swim!

    Inflatable Grineer Armor, Maybe Now Our Warframes Will Be Able To Swim!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 09:41 AM PDT

    Probably gonna get downvotee to hell, but as a long time player im really unhappy with the updates in these last few of years. But pleaae hear me out first.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    Please dont take this the wrong way, and yes i am currently playing other things as of a couple of days ago.

    Im just confused. I remember the railjack tennocon demo from a few years ago, and the squad link thing, and Steve talking explicitly about trying to make this game feel less like content islands. But cut to now, and its...just more content islands. Every new island brings brand new recourses to grind, which just makes the content more island-ish. Nothing in the game has ever felt connected, or related in any way.

    I replayed the new starting missions the other day on a new account and it was so cool. It had a good lore foundation, the missions kinda made sense in relation to the quest, and it felt like i was in an actual living universe....for a very brief second. Then it just became the star chart grind, with random quests that just feel so incredibly janky. I think DE Steve reffered to them once as 'byzantine grind fests' .

    But now, nothing has really changed. Its just the usual release of skins and weapons and prime access. If you like that and that all you want from warframe, then sure. But for me, the last 5 years ive felt like this game has so much potential, and those tennocon reveals had me cautiously hyped.

    Now its 2021, and its just still pretty much the same apart from railjack. Sure and liches, but even with the nerfing of the lich grind, to me it still feels painful and janky to play. And fragmented. Fragmented and janky. Jankmented.

    Really sorry if i offend anyone. If this is the game that you play to escape IRL grind then please know i have nothing but love and respect for you.

    edit: This post was temporarily removed earlier by auto mod because too many people reported it. thanks mods for sorting it out!

    Edit2: .....i didnt notice the title typos untill now. Cringe.

    submitted by /u/Neat-Log5838
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    Lego Raptor/Large-Scale Osprey, original model created by Warframe user MechaTails

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 08:50 PM PDT

    The patience to help me after watching me fall to my death on Ropalolyst ten times was hilarious �������� If i could relay blessing this person, I would a million times over.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    Was levelling her today and couldn't think of anything else, had to make this

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 06:11 PM PDT

    Spent 75 Essence and went to finish the worst missions in the game just to make Grendel Gura cosplay as a joke only to learn that the middle mouth section is part of the primary color group.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 10:41 AM PDT

    Was the rail jack really gonna be able pick us up from the open world parts of warframe ?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 12:19 AM PDT

    a wisp drawing i never finished

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 02:17 AM PDT

    When folklore legends about the gargoyles become more than mere myths...

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    Shadow Stalker needs a quest like what Excalibur Umbra got

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    I just really want to know why he comes after us. Like, "Who is he", is he an adult Tenno corrupted by the Kuva? Is he a warframe? They can have his quest name be, "Why he hunts" or something. Especially with the New War stuff coming soon, I feel like he can get a bit of lore. Or even have a future NightWave give him a taste of lore.

    submitted by /u/Knodester
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    My friend keeps disconnecting and getting this message from nobody

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 07:48 PM PDT

    (Captura) Talk about a Glow-Up

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 09:09 PM PDT

    I know this has probably been asked a million times but who would you say your MAIN is?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    Personally im a Revenant main.

    Edit: Wow I'm actually impressed with the amount of positive feedback. I love reading your post about your favorite frames and why you main them.

    submitted by /u/Deathmedical
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    I love this vanquish animation

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 03:02 AM PDT

    True endgame is to workaround bugs.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 08:57 PM PDT

    Weird Rhythmic Freezing/Stutters

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    Rift Surge

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 02:21 PM PDT

    Why does Limbo's 3 work the way that it does? It sounds like a fun and interesting propagation mechanic on first glance, but it actually is one of the most visually unintuitive abilities in the game.

    Surges nearby Rift-bound enemies with Rift energy. When killed the Rift Surge is transferred to a nearby enemy outside the rift. Surged enemies that leave the Rift perform a radial Banish.

    Let's break this down a bit.

    • Surges nearby Rift-bound enemies with Rift energy.

    A debuff is placed on enemies in the rift. That debuff clearly marks things as in the rift, which tells you which ones you can and can't shoot. It's a great identifier, and if riftbound baddies were so clearly marked by default Limbo would probably be a lot less frustrating in pubs.

    • When killed the Rift Surge is transferred to a nearby enemy outside the rift.

    When you kill something marked, it marks a new thing! Great! Except that thing isn't marked as being in the rift, it's marked with a debuff that does actually nothing. If left alone, this newly Rift-Surged enemy will continue to exist without any other effects. It'll just have swirlies around it. This is the visually unintuitive part. Rift Surge on a target not in the rift is just visual noise, it is a debuff that in almost any practical scenario has no effect.

    • Surged enemies that leave the Rift perform a radial Banish.

    If one of those marked things leaves the rift, it loses that visual identifier and rips a bunch of things around it into the rift. Great, our rift propagates by us...casting banish, cataclysm, or sitting around twiddling our thumbs. While spending resources to bring more things into the rift makes sense, if we have to banish the rift surged enemy out of the rift to put more things in the rift, why didn't we just banish more things into the rift in the first place?

    Fundamentally, this ability doesn't seem to know what it wants to do. It's a debuff on things in the rift, except if you kill them it goes on things outside the rift, it propagates the rift, but only if the thing leaves the rift, which it can't do unless you cast something which would put things in the rift anyway or wait for the duration to tick down.

    So why not change it to what it was clearly intended to be: a way to propagate the riftbound condition from inside the rift. On kill, an enemy should count as leaving the rift. Now we have the following gameplay loop:

    1. Banish an enemy and rift surge it. It gains swirlies warning your teammates and yourself which one is riftbound.
    2. Kill said enemy. It banishes and propagates that swirly effect to enemies nearby.
    3. Repeat 2 until you run out of enemy density/ammo/duration on Rift Surge
    4. Scoot out of the rift and start back at 1.

    Now, this change actually has some pretty major secondary effects. Because it gives Limbo a much more fluid way to put enemies in the rift, it is a significant ease of application for Stasis. Limbo with maximum duration will be able to mow down endless hordes of enemies at zero risk by staying in a time-stopped rift and propagating it via rift surge. However, in practice, this is already possible with big Cataclysms, the change is largely one of fluidness rather than power. This change also "weakens" the incentive of the semi-popular min duration Rift Torrent build, running ~27% duration to cause rift surge to constantly knock down everything in the rift over and over. Such a build will still function, and indeed will function better than it currently does, but the CC of knocking down all riftbound enemies repeatedly will be unnecessary when compared with the total lockdown of Stasis. It will be fine to run for those that still prefer it, but largely replaced by a more intuitive max duration max strength rift torrent build.

    TL;DR: Combine the second and third effects of Rift Surge so they both trigger when an enemy with Rift Surge is killed in the rift. This will result in smoother gameplay with more visual clarity for both the Limbo player and any teammates in the game.

    submitted by /u/TK421didnothingwrong
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    Warframe Youtube Rant

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 02:53 PM PDT

    Probably an unpopular opinion here so I'm ready for all the dislikes but my god the content for Warframe on YouTube is horrible. Almost all the videos are exactly the same. "Hey guys (YouTuber name here) bringing you another video about (pick one - tier list, build, new war info, or insanely long discussion; Read 15 to 20 minute script with very minimal gameplay and look at same screen for the entirety of video.)Thank you guys for watching. "

    I know making content isn't easy but is it really that much harder to show some funny moments or any actual gameplay of oh i dunno …. the game. (and I don't mean simulacrum) do events and play the game please. I love that they are sharing information but it's gotten to the point where everyone is using the exact same layout and I completely understand why they do.

    Warframe is more than just information. I'd rather watch someone play Profit taker then read me the entire wiki for each and every step. I'd rather it show the build for 10 seconds and then talk about it while showing actual gameplay instead of doing circles with cursor of each and every mod and telling me why viral is meta or why you should use rolling guard.

    Point is no matter how hard I look no one shows any real gameplay. 90% of the video is watching a menu.

    submitted by /u/LuckyxOriginal
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    Been in Uranus all day still no acceltra

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 08:38 PM PDT

    What I'm I doing wrong? I've been in ur

    submitted by /u/Glitch533
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    DE Please; Prisma Latron (Right) Shoulder Plate When?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 02:11 PM PDT

    It's closing in on two years since the Prisma Latron (Left) Shoulder Plate was released, I believe Jan 2020 was the release date of the left plate. It would be nice to have a complete set of one of the nicest Prisma armor sets.

    submitted by /u/DoubleExposure
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    Is there a way to get in there?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    Is ripping models still possible?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 08:02 PM PDT

    Been wanting to create some Warframe props recently and wanted to use the in game models to get scale correct, and just as a general reference. Followed a few online guides (all from 2016 or prior) with ninja ripper and can get models out of the game in the *.rip format. However, when importing these models into Blender/3dsMax/Noesis the scale is completely incorrect in all 3 dimensions. I tested all the plugins that come with ninja ripper 1.7.1 and none of them were able to import properly. Is this because im using an old version of ninja ripper (the only free version), or are you guys using some other method of extracting meshes?

    Sorry if that was a lot, this is my first time using ninja ripper with Warframe, and I'm just really clueless as to where I went wrong.

    submitted by /u/voidStar240
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